

The image in the header is a detail of Francesco Barbieri's
Piece of Time.


Andrea Baldini:



NJU Center for Sino-Italian Cultural Studies


Associate Professor

School of Arts

Nanjing University


Page on academia.edu:







Room 819, 8th Floor, Yifu Building,

22 Hankou Road

Nanjing, Jiangsu 210093






Esperienza Cina (Experiences of China): Inauguration

Articles and Videos on the Jinling Program's Visit to Wuxi

Here, you can find a series of newspaper articles and videos about my work as the coordinator of the Jinling Program. In this occasion, with your resident artists, I was visiting an Art Institute in Wuxi -- a Chinese city between Nanjing and Shanghai.

Visit of the Jinling Program @ Wuxi

This video was broadcasted the same day we visited Wuxi with the resident artists of the Jinling Program.

Jinling Program @ Museo Ugo Guidi, Forte dei Marmi (LU)

In this interview, I talk about the Jinling Program, Nanjing University's and Jiangsu Province's project of cultural exchange between Nanjing and Tuscany. Prof. Zhou Xian, director of the Art Institute of Nanjing University, also shares his views. The interview was held at the Museo Ugo Guidi in Forte dei Marmi. The MUG and its director, Vittorio Guidi, have been crucial partners in creating the program.

Newspaper Articles

超帅外教,全英文课堂,还能拿满分!高大上的艺术研究院等你来上课  (In: NJU Info)

This article was published in NJU's Newsletter. It talks about my teaching and research here at Nanda.  

Full article in .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 516.2 KB


Full article in .pdf
You can access the original webpage at the following address: http://www.collezionedatiffany.com/maggio-ritorno-rinke-italia-5-mostre-non-perdere/
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.2 MB

"ALL YOU CAN EAT". Si serva chi può! by Alessandra Ioalè (Le Grand Jeu)

Full article in .pdf
“ALL YOU CAN EAT”. Si serva chi può! _ L
Adobe Acrobat Document 129.5 KB

Identità Riflessa dopo Nanjing (Montalcino News)

Il Maestro Marcello Bertini espone al museo Ugo Guidi (Chianti Sette, 2016-02-12)

Full article in .pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 806.9 KB

Toscana-Cina, arte in viaggio by Cinzia Colosimo (Corriere Fiorentino, 2015-11-16)

Toscana-Cina, arte in viaggio
Sette artisti e un mese di residenza a Nanchino per promovere l’interazione tra le due culture
corriere fiorentino.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 421.4 KB

Seeing China through Tuscan eyes By Li Xueqing ( China Daily, 2015-11-17 )

Seeing China Through Tuscan Eyes
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

"Street art al vecchio mercato: "Solo un'occasione persa": Intervista con Stefano Guidoni'' [Street Art in the Old Market: "Just a missed opportunity": Interview with Stefano Guidoni]

La Nazione, October 8, 2015

Here you can download both the article that appeared in the Italian natioanl newspaper La Nazione and the piece I originally wrote.  

Street art al vecchio mercato: "Solo un'occasione persa"
Article from La Nazione (October 8, 2015)
JPG Image 113.7 KB
Street art al mercato coperto: Un’occasione persa?
This is the original piece that I wrote on the call for proposals promoted by Massa City Hall.
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.3 KB

Public Lectures

Piazza della Conca, Massa, July 10, 2014

"The Artichoke, with a Tender Heart, Dressed Up Like a Warrior."

In this video, you can see my public lecture on how public art can contribute to the urban regeneration of Massa City Center. I start by discussing a recent episode of vandalism that interested Bella Ciao (generally known as "the artichoke"), a monument dedicated to the memory of WWII freedom fighters. I then suggest that such an episode is better understood as a consequence of generalized disregard for that monument rather than a mere act of disrespect. I finally offer my views on how to maximize the value of Bella Ciao in ways that may very well improve the well-being of Massa City Center. 

"Sketchmate Off" - Urban Art Festival

Officine Corsare, Turin, April 12, 2014

"Building a Community with a Color Bomb: Street art, Graffiti, and Urban Regeneration"

Building a Community with a Color Bomb: Street art, Graffiti, and Urban Regeneration
This is my presentation's text.
ABaldini_building_community_color_ bomb.
Adobe Acrobat Document 109.5 KB

City Symposium on Pino Castagna’s "In pietra alpestra e dura"

Massa, Public Library, August 5, 2011

“The 'Kites': a sculpture between mountains and sea. A work of art in Bad Kissingen Square”

Pino Castagna's In pietra alpestra e dura © Nicola Carabelli
Pino Castagna's In pietra alpestra e dura © Nicola Carabelli

In this video, you can see my talk at the City Symposium on Pino Castagna's "In pietra alpestra e dura." After its installation, Castagna's monumental sculpture was received with harsh criticisms. In my talk, I discuss some of those criticisms in light of my understanding of public art and its value(s).


The moderator (in the center) is Umberto Martini, journalist of RAI television. The person on the left is Massimo Bertozzi, invited as artistic director of Castagna's project.